Loving Lanes Foundation is a nonprofit that provides, economic development, educational resources and empowerment to single-mothers and disadvantage youth

Daily Affirmation

“There's nothing outside of myself that I need to complete me. My heart is content and my thoughts are obedient to the Word of God that says I AM HIS MASTERPIECE! Love surrounds and abounds me, I am loved and I freely love because God commands me to! My heart is guarded and God's hedge of protection keeps me from hurt, harm and danger. I rest in the peace of God and I lack nothing because HE has completed me. I walk boldly into my inheritance as a rightful heir. I live in the land of plenty and I freely give because I know that it will not be returned void. I walk in favor over man and land and I receive what's mine! I focus on what is true, admirable and praiseworthy and any thoughts that are opposite of this I dismiss them immediately. I am sensitive to The Holy Spirit and I acknowledge my convictions. I will never lack anything on this side of Heaven! God is for me and that will never change.”— Dannella Lane

Make a donation.

Loving Lanes Foundation is a registered 501 (c)(3) non profit organization whose posture is to equip; empower and assist single mothers with children under the age of 18 years old. Your generous donation allows for us to make a difference in the lives of thousands of women. By partnering with us now, your donation will help bless single mothers and their families who are in need. Thank you for partnering with us!